Mrs. Miller

Accelerated 7th Grade

This class covers Algebra 1 topics in greater depth and at a faster pace than other advanced courses.

Topics include the real number system, algebraic reasoning, solving multi-step equations and inequalities, proportional relationships, linear functions, graphs, percents, analyzing and displaying data, geometric figures, measurement, right triangles, and probability. There is an emphasis on solving word problems.

While these topics are similar to those offered in most classes, more emphasis is placed on theory and application in this advanced version. The class moves at an accelerated pace.

The text used in this class is Algebra 1 Holt McDougal 2012.

Students have access to an online textbook.

To remain in this class a student must maintain a B (86%) trimester average.

Accelerated Algebra I Targets

I can use the distributive property

I can solve a formula for one of its variables

I can evaluate expressions using exponents

I can use the order of operation to evaluate algebraic expressions

I can simplify expressions by combining like terms

I can evaluate a variable expression

I can write a variable expression that models a real-life situation

I can translate verbal phrases into algebraic expressions

I can translate verbal phrases into algebraic expressions

I can graph and compare real numbers on a number line

I can solve linear equations

I can collect variables on one side of the equation

I can plot points on a coordinate plane

I can find the intercepts of the graph of a linear equation

I can solve a linear equation graphically

I can graph and interpret equations in slope-intercept form

I can graph a linear equation in slope-intercept form

I can use intercepts to make a quick graph of a linear equation

I can use linear models to make predictions

I can identify when a relation is a function

I can find the slope of a line using 2 points

I can interpret slope as a rate of change in real-life situations

I can use a linear model to make predictions

I can rewrite an equation in function form

I can use the slope and any point on a line to write an equation of a line

I can write an equation of a line given 2 points on a line

I can use the point-slope form to write an equation of a line

I can write a linear equation in standard form

I can solve linear inequalities

I can solve absolute value equations

I can solve absolute value inequalities

I can graph linear inequalities in 2 variables

I can identify linear systems as having one, many or no solutions

I can solve a system of linear inequalities by graphing

I can solve a system of linear equations by graphing

I can graph linear inequalities in one variable

I can write, solve and graph linear inequalities

I can use linear substitution to solve a system of linear equations

I can use a linear combination (elimination) to solve a system of linear equations

I can simplify exponential expressions

I can evaluate powers that have zero or negative exponents

I can write and use models for exponential growth and decay

I can graph exponential functions

I can add and subtract polynomials

I can multiply 2 polynomials

I can solve a polynomial equation in factored form

I can factor a polynomial

I can use the distributive property to factor a polynomial

I can divide a polynomial by a monomial

I can use polynomial long division

I can solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula

I can compare linear, exponential and quadratic graphs

I can solve a quadratic equation by completing the square

I can choose a method for solving a quadratic equation

I can graph quadratic equations

I can factor a quadratic formula in standard form

I can solve quadratic equations by factoring

I can evaluate and graph a function involving square roots

I can make and use a stem-n-leaf plot to put data in order

I can find the mean, median, and mode of data

I can draw a box-and-whisker to organize data

I can simplify a rational expression

I can multiply and divide rational expressions

I can add, subtract, multiply and divide radical expressions

I can simplify radicals

I can use scientific notation to represent numbers

I can use scientific notation to describe real-life situations

I can use equations to solve percent problems

I can use Pythagorean Theorem to measure indirectly

I can find trigonometric ratios

I can use trigonometric ratios to solve right triangles

I can use sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle