


Faithful Shepherd is located within MN School District 196. Free bus service is provided by ISD 196 for students who live within the district boundaries. Students take their neighborhood school bus to the local school serving their neighborhood. From there they will take a separate bus to Faithful Shepherd. This route is reversed for the student’s ride home.

Pick-up and Drop-off

Our drop-off and pick-up logistics are carefully coordinated to insure the safety of students.

Some features include:

  • The option to select a combination of pick-up/drop-off and busing. For example, you can drop your child off in the morning and have them take the district bus home
  • Onsite faculty who coordinate through walkie-talkies to send students out only when their ride arrives and it is safe to proceed
  • Designated rooms for family members/carpools to meet up
  • Extra assistance for our youngest students
  • Specific points of drop-off and pick-up based on your child’s grade

Details are provided in our new student information packet and our regular school communications.