The MNSAA Board will receive the written final report, and it will be reviewed at the MNSAA’s December Board meeting. We will receive a timeline to complete any requirements that they recommend for Faithful Shepherd upon receiving our accreditation renewal.
After presenting the MNSAA Summary of Visit with Faithful Shepherd’s Board last night. They gave a recommendation that the staff have a celebration of the validation of the hard work that has been done over the past seven years and the hard work that went into the preparation the MNSAA Onsite Visit. It was truly a team effort!
Special thanks to the following teachers who served on the MNSAA committee for over a year and helped collect evidence and write narration for required standards:
Colleen Duffy, Maureen Martin, Bridget Mannetter, Broque Brew, Heidi Price. Sarah Meier, Dawn Toboja, Kathy Malmquist. Debbie May-Olson, and Mary Beth Dahlheimer.
Lastly two instrumental employees who took on a huge role in sharing their gifts in helping prepare for MNSAA’s Onsite Visit, a huge thank you to Patti Johns and Sarah Meier. Patti helped prepare the MNSAA’s team meeting room, organize team member binders, order lunches, kept healthy snacks (and some chocolate) in their meeting room. Sarah spent time with me preparing online resource access of evidence for the MNSAA team. This is the first time Faithful Shepherd supplied about 50% electronic data, so it was a new endeavor. Sarah’s attention to detail and eye on computer access was extremely helpful!
Overall a great team effort from Faithful Shepherd’s staff! I think the Board’s recommendation of a celebration is in order!