School Supply List



As this school year comes to a close, it is time to look ahead to next fall and order school supplies.  


The Write Stuff has prepared our teachers lists and will be available for 2020-2021 supply orders now through June 8.  The supplies will be delivered to school and will be available to pick up at a date yet to be set in August. 


The Write Stuff has an option to select only the supplies you wish to purchase.  If your drawers are full of scissors, white board erasers, and rulers, no need to order any more, just deselect the items you do not need.  Also an option, order additional supplies to keep on hand to restock the desks midyear. 


 Please go through the list carefully as once the order is placed, it cannot be changed.




Middle School Families– 

  •  a calculator and ear buds are included on the supply list

     deselect these items if you do not wish to purchase another.

  • The yellow composition notebook is for 6th grade students and new students only

Current 7th and 8th grade students will continue to use their yellow notebooks from previous years, please deselect this item from your list


The online store with delivery to school will be available until June 8.. The store will remain open through July 15 with an additional shipping fee to your home. 


There are additional items you will need to purchase before school starts that are not available through The Write Stuff.  Each grade will have those listed at the top of their lists with instructions for labeling on the school website and in the back to school packet.. (Kleenex, backpacks, shoes, etc.)

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Please reach out with any questions to Sara Krivak at