FSCS Bike Club

If you are interested in this week’s ride, you may send money to Ms. Duffy or Mrs. Meier and we will get the permission slip to your child. We need the permission slip signed before the ride on Thursday.

Date Location

Oct 22 Lock & Dam #1 Parking Lot

Oct 29 River Bottoms – Dirt Trail


3:45pm – 5:15pm


$10 per student per date/ride (non-refundable)

Limited to 12 students

Student permission slip needs to be signed before arriving at the event

Parents and FSCS staff can ride for free

If it rains in the morning and clears out in the afternoon we may have to change the Bike Club location for the day. Parents will be notified via email.

If it is a total rainout day, we will try to reschedule the bike club event to another day. Parents will be notified via email.

Permission slip signed
Water bottle & snacks
Front and back bike lights