All ages and experience levels are welcome. The registration fees will be a bit higher this year to allow us to run the club through the website. Please register through StarPay and we will follow up with club members on how to access the website resources. The club will have tutorials available through the website, and games will be available online between the FSCS club members. We will have some zoom meetings on Saturday mornings from 9am to 11am, but club members will also be able to use the website at other times as well. The first club meeting will tentatively be on Saturday December 12, 2020 and our last club meeting will tentatively be on Saturday March 6, 2021 with a virtual tournament run through the website.
Registration this year will be $55 per student and will include a club T-shirt. Please sign up by November 30. We also need at least 1 parent volunteer to assist with club T-shirt and awards coordination, but no chess experience is necessary. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering.
John, Walter, and Katrina